Partisan politics is put aside while NY Democrat Sen. Schumer, Texas Republican Sen. Cruz, and the inflammatory Cawthorn attend breakfast honoring Rebbe Schneerson's legacy

North Carolina lawmaker later backtracks after comments cause outrage, condemns Putin and says he is praying for Ukraine

Republican urges constituents to push government leaders to adopt Christian values he says were shown by figures in Hebrew Bible, including prophet Daniel, Queen Esther

Pundits and politicians, including a Republican congressman, have tried to draw a parallel between immunity certificates and the symbol Jews were forced to wear under Nazi rule

Rep. Madison Cawthorn meets with four members of local community, but participants not completely reassured he sees how some of his statements push white nationalism

Newly elected Republican congressman, who caused uproar with visit to Hitler's holiday home, says he's succeeded in proselytizing 'culturally Jewish people,' but not religious ones

Republican, 25, secures seat for North Carolina, becoming one of the youngest-ever members of Congress; in 2017, he visited Nazi dictator's vacation home, calling him 'the Fuhrer'