Palestinian premier orders all schools closed, traffic between cities curtailed, after seven cases confirmed; Israeli and Palestinian officials hold meeting to coordinate response

Palestinian diplomat says his people will resist US proposal until 'last drop of Palestinian child's blood'; Fatah member says state along '67 lines would just be temporary measure

Mohammed al-Madani sought to quit on Saturday after the committee he leads came under fire for meetings it organized between Israelis and Palestinians

Shtayyeh says US won't find Arab or European support for its peace plan; Abbas spokesman blasts Netanyahu's pledge to build up East Jerusalem neighborhoods

Terror group says 51-year-old Fakhr Qarat 'fulfilled God's call and [his] duty'; stops short of clearly taking responsibility for February 6 attack

Avi Issacharoff talks about future projects and his past misadventures as a journalist in Gaza at special screening in Tel Aviv

The Palestinian leader has regained his people's support; the Israeli right is wrong to claim he was never a partner, and Netanyahu is to blame for the two-state solution's demise

US fetes Palestinians' apparent inability to get UN to condemn outline, but last word hasn't been spoken as even close allies pledge allegiance to previously accepted parameters

After rejecting Trump plan, PA leader says he's willing to pick up negotiations from where he left off with former Israeli PM in 2008

Speaking after PA leader at Security Council, Danny Danon calls Trump proposal a 'sane approach' that should be given a chance
