A letter cosigned by more than 100 rabbis accuses Armenia of distorting the genocide's memory to hurt the reputation of its rival, Azerbaijan

Initialed pencil is sold in Belfast along with other items linked to Nazi dictator; all are bought by online bidders

Antisemitism and the dwindling of European Jewry are eroding the hopes of some devoted activists to raise families in the communities they run

Jewish shechita and Islamic zabiha methods of meat production have come under attack in recent years, mainly by right-wing parties who seek to reduce religions' presence in society

Respondents from Poland, Hungary and Greece most hostile to Jews, but violent assaults rare in those locations; places where Jews are accepted have most incidents

Lawmakers introduce bill restricting presidency to those with 2 Congolese parents, in bid to disqualify popular opponent whose father was a Greek Jew who fled Holocaust

Community leaders from European Jewish Association call on politicians to take more action against Jew-hatred; in shift, many say they'd welcome security support from Israel

Ministers and members of parliament attending 2-day Krakow confab are handed drafts of stricter laws on hate speech, education, and Nazi memorabilia trade

In visit to Israel, diamond and real estate magnate Abdalla Chatila says he considered the prospect of the items landing in 'the wrong hands' a 'potential lethal injustice'

Abdallah Chatila says he purchased 10 items including fuhrer's hat at controversial Munich sale to keep them out of hands of neo-Nazis
