Mickey Levy says his visit to Berlin 'symbolizes the true friendship between... two liberal democracies that share liberal values and a mutual commitment to remember the Holocaust'
Because the Shas party leader will not be an MK at time of pending conviction, he'll dodge a 'moral turpitude' conviction, enabling possible return to politics
Mickey Levy tells 2 lawmakers of Likud and Shas parties to represent the opposition in the 4-member panel, even though many in the opposition are boycotting all committees
Levy says while he'd allowed food, drink during long votes, practice will now end; Likud's Bitan, whose bags of treats escalated to trays of Krembo this week: 'Candy isn't food'
Speaker Mickey Levy indicates he has no intention of blocking journalists and photographers from documenting, snapping photos of parliamentarians' activities on the Knesset floor
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