Minority Leader Chuck Schumer details plans for 'fair and honest' trial to begin Jan. 7; Republicans pushing for swift proceedings but Trump may want longer trial to vindicate him
Partisan vote expected as Democrat-controlled House plans to vote Wednesday on whether to make Republican Trump the third president in history to be impeached
Outrage after latest instance in which US president tries to advance his political interests by unleashing racially inflammatory language; Graham backs him, but not McConnell
As scattered fighting flares, top Republican in Congress warns Trump's pullout of US forces will 'embolden our enemies, and weaken important alliances'
Democrats and some Republicans say Congress must do more after Mitch McConnell blocks House-passed bill authorizing $775 million to beef up state election systems
Decision-making process of US president revealed in account based on information from over a dozen legislators, congressional aides, administration officials
Controversial bill meant to oppose the anti-Israel boycott is held up in part because Democrats say it poses a threat to First Amendment free speech protections
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