Government expected to sign off on move Sunday; unemployment in Gaza, blockaded by both Israel and Egypt, is at around 50%, making work in Israel an attractive option

Weeks after pledging cash to build pipeline connecting Israeli gas facilities with Strip's only electrical plant, Doha agrees to set up escrow account with electricity company

PM Bennett denies Hebrew media reports that he's considering return to previous government's policy of giving 'suitcases full of cash' to Hamas civil servants

Chris Murphy says he raised US objection to terror stipends with PA premier, discussed possible path forward on issue; Democratic lawmakers express optimism after Bennett meeting

Palestinian Authority banks were set to send the money that would fund civil servants in Hamas-ruled Strip, but pulled out fearing exposure to sanctions

Doha says distribution of $500 million to begin soon, after apparently resolving dispute over whether Hamas civil servants will be allowed to access money

Defense minister reportedly met with high-ranking official in a third country in leadup to announcement of new subsidies

Sides will channel monthly $100 salaries for 100,000 impoverished Gazan families through UN-backed mechanism; Israel's defense minister praises deal

Over 1,000 homes and businesses were ruined in Gaza; Israeli restrictions, which Jerusalem says are necessary to prevent Hamas rearmament, likely to slow down reconstruction

EU wants to allocate at least $5 million to the project, while Qatari envoy says Doha will fund construction of part of a gas pipeline inside Israel
