Deputy commander of top military unit claims remote-controlled machine gun zoomed in on Mohsen Fakhrizadeh's face before firing fatal burst

In interview with Iranian state media, children of slain nuclear scientist say their mother was next to him during assassination, but not hit by gunfire

Journalist Ronen Bergman, former agents Victor Ostrovsky, Ram Ben-Barak give Israeli TV theoretical look at how assassinations work, following hit on Iranian scientist Fakhrizadeh

Report says ex-PM Olmert played top-secret recording of Fakhrizadeh for President Bush in decisive 2008 meeting that boosted US-Israel cooperation against Iran's nuclear program

IAEA report obtained by Reuters says Tehran is installing 3 clusters of advanced uranium-enriching centrifuges at Nantaz in violation of nuclear deal commitments

Israeli security said to caution former workers at Dimona reactor to take increased precautions in wake of killing of Iranian nuke chief; embassies, travelers already on alert

US president-elect says 'bottom line is we can't allow Iran to get nuclear weapons,' while arguing Trump's policies have actually contributed to such a potential outcome

Elliott Abrams argues Tehran's response is likely checked by fears of jeopardizing potential sanctions relief from the incoming Biden administration

Travel advisory lists locations where Iranians could try to hurt Israelis, including UAE, Bahrain, Turkey, Africa; says Christmas period 'attractive for terror activity in Europe'

Tehran's top diplomat says if US wants to reenter the 2015 accord, it must do so without any preconditions; Netanyahu says US return to JCPOA 'a mistake'
