At the largest cemeteries, funerals have been held day and night, requiring teams of volunteers to prepare fresh graves

Lone soldier Sgt. Benjamin Loeb laid to rest in Jerusalem; Ashdod resident Izabella Gandlin eulogized at her funeral instead of celebrating her wedding: 'My beautiful angel'

Soldiers, police officers and civilians laid to rest around the country, as nation starts mourning process while war continues; 'We just want one more conversation, one more hug'

Opposition MK says PM must 'do the right thing' and honor murdered leader's memory at Mount Herzl even if protests are likely; Labor chief: 'Ceremony more dignified without him'

Unnamed sources close to premier say ceremony has become 'political'; event has increasingly become battlefield between Netanyahu and Rabin family

Hundreds turn out for Jerusalem funeral of Staff Sgt. Shilo Yosef Amir of the Givati Brigade, who was slain by a Palestinian gunman near the settlement of Kedumim

Coalition members heckled, one barred from attending event; scuffles break out in Beersheba, Rehovot; some walk out as Netanyahu calls for unity at main ceremony in Jerusalem

Main ceremonies to begin after 2-minute nationwide siren at 11 a.m., with Netanyahu and Herzog attending at Mount Herzl; Ben Gvir going to Beersheba after bucking calls to stay out

Each of the 396 pages is insured for $1 million; curator says father of Zionism's vision of modern Israel is 'prophecy' with its depiction of light rail

Bennett hails Israeli spirit to overcome adversity as tens of thousands expected to flock to parks and nature reserves; IDF bases reopen for visits after coronavirus hiatus
