At renewed annual Lag B'Omer event, worshipers mourn the 45 attendees killed in deadly 2021 crush, while chafing at regulations meant to head off another disaster

Spokesperson for minister of heritage cut on arm during altercation ahead of annual pilgrimage to shrine; police let off perpetrator with a warning to 'make sure things stay calm'

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur explains underlying political resonance of Khan al-Ahmar petitions; religion reporter Canaan Lidor on Lag B’Omer

Still processing the loss of 45 lives during 2021 pilgrimage, family members of the deceased say the tragedy has only strengthened their devotion to the event

Treasury to consider partially indemnifying event in response to request from organizer Yossi Deitch, who says he is being treated 'like a leper'

Haredi MK had quit, complaining Center for Holy Sites not relinquishing control of annual event, scene of 2021 deadly crush; PM commends him, tells relevant parties to cooperate

Ultra-Orthodox lawmaker tells Netanyahu that the Center for Holy Sites is not relinquishing control of the annual event, leaving him 'with responsibility but no authority'

Meir Mazuz, affiliated with several senior members of new government, calls Pride parade-goers 'animals walking on 2 legs'; he has also blamed LGBTQ marches for COVID, terror

MK Meir Porush wants control over site, including implementation of findings of investigative panel into 2021 tragedy; he opposed the committee's formation

Roni Alsheich also says over two years without permanent commissioner, three years without national budget left police weakened, unable to deal with challenges
