Incident near Nablus occurs amid a gun battle between troops and Palestinians; no soldiers injured

Hamas media reports that Zakaria Hamayel, 23, was a member of the terror group; IDF says they are looking into incident

Ramallah's intelligence corps says that Ahmad Daraghme, one of their officers, was shot by Israel 'in cold blood;' Israel says it is examining incident

Military says it receives unverified report of incident at Yitzhar Junction near Nablus, launches a manhunt to find alleged terrorist

Destruction of barrier at Iron Age Israelite cultic site deep in PA-controlled Area B creates media maelstrom, as right-wing campaign claims Palestinians destroying heritage sites

In Gaza, main coronavirus laboratory not processing new tests for second day as it awaits shipment of kits

unconfirmed reports of clashes as troops carry out demolition of home of Khalil Abd al-Khaliq Dweikat, charged with murdering Rabbi Shai Ohayon in August

Military says one serviceman lightly wounded, the other moderately hurt during arrest operation in Balata refugee camp in Nablus

Overnight reports came in of drive-by shooting near army post near Nablus; bullet shell found at scene in morning, military says

Settler leader tells worshipers at Joseph's Tomb, in area of West Bank under PA control, that 'history will not forgive those who abandon the holy places at this time'
