7 arrested as demonstrators lament delay of hearing in PM's corruption trial due to coronavirus lockdown; organizers claim other hearings continuing, courtroom specially equipped

Original hearing planned for Wednesday was postponed due to nationwide lockdown, renewing allegations the prime minister manipulated virus response to suit his needs

PM was set to attend Jan. 13 hearing on response to charges, but court postpones it indefinitely, renewing accusations the premier is manipulating virus response to suit his needs

Judges order Mandelblit to produce 'without delay' documentary evidence that he formally approved opening PM's investigation; defense wants whole case closed if no such evidence

Defense lawyers ask for more time due to AG's acknowledgment he did not okay probes in writing, which they claim requires nixing all the charges

Prosecutors must hand over documents within a week; PM's attorneys claim Mandelblit's permission for police investigations was given retroactively, all charges must be canceled

State prosecution denies allegation; premier's previous requests to throw out his criminal indictment were rejected by the court

Judiciary says Jerusalem District Court's Rivka Friedman-Feldman is feeling well, will be quarantined until January 1

After serving in interim capacity since April, attorney Sagit Afik set to become next full-time legal adviser for the parliament

Mandelblit says legal opinion barring PM from appointing top law enforcement officials due to his criminal indictments 'binds him by force of law'
