House Judiciary ranking member Rep. Doug Collins launches into a furious speech on the House floor, blasting House Democrats’ handling of the Trump impeachment inquiry.

President Donald J. Trump was impeached tonight, marking the third time in the nation’s history that the House of Representatives voted to impeach a sitting president.
The historic vote followed a daylong debate on whether Trump violated his oath in pressuring Ukraine to damage a political opponent.
The 230-197 vote to impeach Trump for abuse of power was almost entirely along party lines and is to be followed quickly by a second vote on whether Trump obstructed Congress. As members wrapped up the vote, GOP members chanted, “Four more years! Four more years!”
The Senate trial on whether to remove the president is expected to begin in early January.


In a historic vote Wednesday, the House of Representatives is expected to impeach President Donald Trump.
The vote would make Trump the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.
The House of Representatives is expected to take up the articles of impeachment beginning at 9 a.m. ET with a vote to follow later in the day. Watch live in the video player.
The House is considering two articles of impeachment–abuse of power and obstruction of Congress–against the president. The articles are expected to be approved along party lines.

House Democrats prepare for final impeachment vote.

Mark Steyn reacts to MSNBC’s latest Trump panic.

The House Rules Committee, led by Democrat Rep. Jim McGovern, irons out details surrounding the full House’s impeachment vote happening Wednesday morning.

The Manhattan Institute’s Judith Miller breaks down a new Fox News poll and why it might be a positive sign for Trump.

Steve Hilton recaps another week of Democratic grandstanding on Capitol Hill as impeachment hearings roll on.

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