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Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon weighs in on impeachment inquiry hearings.

House Democrats move forward with impeachment, continue to lack voter support.

The 13th Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi is rapidly approaching. Agudath Israel of America is working around the clock to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible for the Siyum attendees.
The Agudah has arranged for New York Sightseeing to provide charter bus transportation for attendees coming from various locations. New York Sightseeing is a Shomer Shabbos bus company that jumped at the opportunity to facilitate transportation for one of the greatest events in recent Jewish history.
As of now, there are 12 bus routes scheduled from various communities in the New York/New Jersey area. New York Sightseeing will open new routes for other locations, if they are needed.

Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president Joe Biden got into an extraordinary exchange Thursday afternoon with an Iowa farmer who first called him too old to run and then challenged him on Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine, triggering Biden to call the man “a damn liar.”
During an event in New Hampton, Iowa, the man rose to say he had two issues with Biden’s candidacy.
“You’re damn near as old as I am,” the man started. “You’re too old for the job. I’m 83, and I know damn well I don’t have the mental faculties I did 30 years ago.”
Then he turned toward what he said was a more pressing concern.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had just concluded her weekly news conference Thursday and was about to exit the room when a reporter shouted out a question.
“Do you hate the president, Madam Speaker?” James Rosen, a reporter for Sinclair Broadcast Group, called out from a seat in the front row.
Most times, Pelosi ignores questions shouted at her in the hallways and briefing rooms of the Capitol.
But Rosen’s query appeared to strike a nerve with Pelosi, who stopped in her tracks, turned to face the reporter and delivered an extraordinary rebuttal.

President Trump participates in a luncheon with the Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Security Council, as the US prepares to assume the presidency of the Security Council. This takes place after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked House Democrats to proceed with articles of impeachment.

Reaction and analysis from special adviser to the president Tony Sayegh.
