Researchers at US, German and Swedish universities praised for method exploring tiny speedsters zipping around atoms, yielding a 'blurry' glimpse that opens up whole new sciences

Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, Anton Zeilinger - who previously shared Israel's Wolf Prize - handed prestigious award for research with implications for secure information transfer

Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann are sharing one portion of the prize, with the other half going to Giorgio Parisi

Jewish professor recognized in 1979 with work on mysteries of tiny particles and their electromagnetic interaction that built on Einstein's theory of relativity

Steinberger and two other Jewish colleagues were honored in 1988 for their discoveries about the neutrino; he refused to do research for weapon building

Britain's Roger Penrose receives physics award, along with German Reinhard Genzel and American Andrea Ghez, for showing phenomenon predicts general theory of relativity

Canadian-born James Peebles and Swiss star-gazers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz honored for efforts help discover if life exists beyond the Earth

Trailblazing Jewish American researcher theorized the quark and was honored for his method of classifying subatomic particles