Read below to see how the criminal justice system in the New York State works. The following was provided to YWN by the NY State Police: State police from the Montgomery barracks arrested Robert Radek, 29, from the town of Marlboro three times on March 7, 2021. The first arrest occurred at 7:55 a.m. Radek was operating a 1994 Jeep Cherokee traveling South Street in the city of Newburgh when he was stopped for a vehicle and traffic law violation. The trooper learned that Radek was driving with a suspended New York Driver’s License and was in possession of crack-cocaine. He was charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th degree. He was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the City of Newburgh Court on April 19, 2021 at 8:30 a.m.

As Richard Carranza departs his position as Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, and Meisha Ross Porter assumes the Chancellorship as his successor, Agudath Israel of America thanks Dr. Carranza for his service as chancellor over the last three years, and welcomes Ms. Porter as the new chancellor. Agudath Israel has been privileged over many years to work closely with the New York City Department of Education and its Office of Nonpublic Schools on behalf of the approximately 350 yeshivos in the city.

New York State Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal on Tuesday endorsed Andrew Yang for Mayor of New York City Representing New York State Assembly District 27 — which includes Kew Gardens Hills, and parts of Kew Gardens and Forest Hills — Assemblymember Rosenthal has fought hard to bring real tangible results for his constituents. Said Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal, “As New York City is facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis, hate crimes against the Jewish community are rising at historic levels. Getting our City back on track requires a new approach to leadership and creative thinking. Andrew Yang not only has the vision for a path forward, but has shown his deep commitment to the individual needs facing all of New York’s diverse communities.

Thanks to a public-pressure campaign to free multiple Agunos, yet another woman has been freed. Jonathan Abtan has given his wife Michelle a Get on Tuesday afternoon. The Get was done in the office of Mr. Harry Adjmi, one of the pillars of the Sephardic community in Flatbush / Deal. Mr Adjmi along with leading Sephardic Rabbonim in NY have been extremely instrumental in freeing at least three Agunos the past week and half. This is just one of a few Agunos who received a Get the past two weeks, following an outpouring of protests on social media in support of many women who are literally chained to their husbands.

Nearly 75 Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim in Lakewood issued a Kol Koreh, Tuesday morning, banning the sale and use of marijuana. The Kol Koreh comes just as the State of New Jersey legalized the use of the drug. The Kol Koreh has a strong warning for any Yeshiva engaging in its use, as well as Baalei Batim who sell marijuana (even legally). The following is the English Kol Koreh, transcribed by YWN.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Aharon Yochanan Fleishman Z”L, a longtime Boro Park Hatzolah Coordinator and dispatcher. He was 62. The Niftar, known in Hatzolah as “B-34”, suffered for many years from an illness. Prior to him taking ill, R Yochanan was a coordinator in Boro Park Hatzolah, and was a dispatcher for many, many years. He would frequently do the overnight shift, staying awake at the radio night after night, his voice a familiar and comforting sound to Hatzolah volunteers around New York City. After finishing an overnight shift, he would go straight to work, and before getting some sleep, would run on Hatzolah calls, saving the lives of thousands of people in Boro Park over the years.

As a chorus of top Democrats demanded New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation over harassment allegations last week, the woman who would succeed him if he stepped down did what she’s done for most of her time in office: Kept a discreet profile. Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul delivered virtual remarks at an array of small events statewide. She sent tweets that hyped small businesses in the Adirondacks, reminded people to wear masks and urged them: “When it’s your turn, get vaccinated!” She herself got inoculated against the coronavirus Friday, drawing rare local TV coverage.

We are saddened to report the petira of Yankel Furst A’H of Boro Park. He was 74 years old. A fixture of the Boro Park and Flatbush communities for over 5 decades, Yankel spent incalculable hours at different minyanim and simchos daily getting to know and affect thousands. He was a gentle and spirited soul, always with a quick quip and smile. He affectionately referred to himself as “Ich Bin De Mechitan” when approaching people at a Chasuna, and over time he became known by that moniker. He was a frequent shabbos guest at many prominent homes over the last 50 years – always ready with a compliment and good word. He was an only child and lost his father when he was very young and was raised by his mother.

A longtime adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading the state’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been calling county executives to gauge their loyalty to the Democratic governor amid a sexual harassment investigation, according to reports in The Washington Post and The New York Times. One Democratic county executive, who was not named by the newspapers, was so disturbed by the call from vaccine “czar” Larry Schwartz that the executive filed notice of an impending ethics complaint with the public integrity unit of the state attorney general’s office on Friday, the newspapers reported. The executive feared the county’s vaccine supply could suffer if the executive did not indicate support for Cuomo, the Post reported.

The NYPD is investigating a hate crime that took place in Williamsburg on Friday night. Police say a Hasidic man was walking on the corner of Wallabout Street and Marcy Avenue at around 6:15PM, when a man ran up from behind him, grabbed his Shtreimel off his head, and ran off. The Shtreimel was valued at $8,000. Williamsburg Shomrim assisted the NYPD is obtaining the attached security camera footage of the hate crime. The unidentified male is 5’07” to 5’10”, 125lbs, and was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and gray sweatpants. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
