YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of Hagaon HaRav Yechezkel Roth ZATZAL, the leading Posek in Boro Park. He was 85. Rav Roth suffered a massive heart attack at around 8:00AM Sunday morning. Boro Park Hatzolah rushed to the scene and did all they could to save his life. Unfortunately, he was Niftar at around 8:30AM. Rav Roth was known as the Karlsburger Rov. He lead a venerated beis hora’ah in Boro Park, and was one of leading Poskim in the world today. He served as the Posek for many organizations such as Misaskim. He was a Mechaber of many Seforim, including Emek HaTeshuvah (nine volumes), Chezkas Taharah Hilchos Niddah, Emek Shmaatsa Gemara, Chazon Yechezkel on Drush, Mishpat Ha’aretz on Shmittah, Keren HaTorah Ribbis, Mai Chanukah on Hilchos Chanukah and other works.
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