Agriculture Ministry notes 'encouraging recovery' over past two days; cleanup efforts at Hula Lake Reserve expected to end next week ahead of migration season
Plan, which would up imports and pay farmers directly rather than via tariffs, 'risks destroying entire sector,' warns academic as data suggests retail markups may be to blame
The Bennett-Lapid government is advancing a host of major long-delayed reforms with unexpected ease. Is its very instability the secret to its resolve?
Fresh produce and egg providers say finance and agriculture ministries' plan to cut tariffs, open up import market will not help reduce prices for consumers
Party MKs deny what they are doing is extortion, insist their latest demands were in original coalition agreements, and say they will fight to see them honored
After false story picked up by some Hebrew media, Lapid says people spreading rumors are deliberately trying to undermine new Israeli government and ties to US
In rare moment of unity, coalition convenes ministerial committee to send two pieces of legislation to parliament; third bill on rehab for abuse felons held up by cost concerns
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