As ministers prepare to discuss possible closure, ministry chief says hospitals congested; Liberman, 2 Yisrael Beytenu MKs quarantined after settler leader tests positive

So-called 'Norwegian Law' passes 8-5 in Knesset committee; opposition says it wastes public funds

Feminist groups outraged as MK Oded Forer of Yisrael Beytenu appointed as head of Committee for the Advancement of Women & Gender Equality, despite being only male on the panel

So-called 'Norwegian Law' approved by 64 votes to 38; opposition slams legislation as result of inflated cabinet filled with unnecessary ministries

As Knesset heads for dissolution in 21 days if no agreement reached, triggering a fourth election, Yisrael Beytenu says it's time to present Netanyahu with a 'tangible threat'

After right-wing walkout on vote on crucial parliamentary committee, center and left MKs push ahead with creation of special oversight bodies, including over coronavirus crisis

TV report lays out far-reaching deal said to be on table, which would include Netanyahu as PM for 3-6 months; Yisrael Beytenu said contemplating forcing unity on the sides

Likud and Blue and White blame each other for stalemate with eight days to go to reach a coalition deal before new elections are called for 3rd time in a year

Party leader says hard to decide whether fresh elections or narrow coalition is worse, understands why his lawmakers 'rebelling' against Blue and White's conduct

Party MK Oded Forer tells TV news he will ask Central Elections Committee to take measure, says rumors of 'dead people' casting ballots demands preventative action
