In 'Nine Quarters of Jerusalem,' Matthew Teller challenges conventional theories of how the one-square kilometer is divided, and introduces readers to little-known communities

After foreign tourism came to a halt during the pandemic, Christ Church, located near Jaffa Gate, began offering events free of proselytizing -- but full of fun -- to locals

Remarks come amid deterioration in ties following evidence of Russian atrocities in Ukraine and growing antisemitic rhetoric from Russian leaders

Environmental correspondent Sue Surkes discusses Greek Orthodox Church real estate and marinas, as real estate reporter Danielle Nagler looks at housing prices and tourist options

Supreme Court backs earlier district court ruling rejecting retrial bid. Patriarchate vows to continue supporting Palestinian tenants who face potential eviction

8 rockets test-fired from coastal enclave toward sea; air defenses still bolstered; IDF officials tell southern community leaders no escalation expected from strip

In warning ahead of contentious parade on Sunday, US government workers in Israel also ordered to stay away from Damascus Gate and keep out of Old City altogether after dark

Organizers of Sunday's nationalistic event cite crowding concerns in restricting entry on controversial march route

Kobi Shabtai says march through Old City's Damascus Gate and Muslim Quarter 'strengthens governance'; adds that police will maintain freedom of worship, protest, and expression

Hamas launched 11-day war with Gaza during last year's contentious parade; organizers thank Minister Barlev for approving route through Muslim Quarter; Gantz and Lapid said wary
