Jerusalem's ancient fortress is at the tail end of $40 million renovation, bringing historic structure into 21st century

Diplomacy correspondent Lazar Berman speaks from a remarkably tranquil Ukraine and US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses former ambassador David Friedman's new memoir

Interior of Fadi Abu Shkhaydam's home is demolished and entrance sealed; police say officers were attacked during operation

Jewish victim, reportedly in her 90s, found with severe burns in building near King David's Tomb; 3 firefighters lightly hurt from smoke inhalation

Journalist Andrew Lawler's new book 'Under Jerusalem' is a treasure trove for the unbelievable real history of excavations in the Holy City through today

Pre-Christmas study finds high education levels, contrasts with warnings from Church leaders that 'radical' Israeli groups are driving Christians from Holy Land

Guardian of Christian holy places laments 'unchecked, unpunished' attacks, as archbishops blame Israeli settlers and security barrier; accusations draw protest from British Jews

Police recover knife, say suspect in his 20s fled after trying to stab a passerby, but was caught in the area

Victim suffers moderate-to-serious wounds; video shows Border Policemen firing at suspect several times as he lies on the ground; rioting reported at the scene

Hospital says Aharon Yehuda Imergreen's condition improving, following deadly shooting in Old City last week: 'A Hanukkah miracle'
