Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

One of the most significant public buildings from the Second Temple period ever uncovered; new pathways in Western Wall Tunnels provide 2nd life to underground ancient Jerusalem

3 wounded in apparent riot near Al-Aqsa Mosque; violent clashes also reported in West Bank, near disputed outpost, with 47 reported hurt

Lapid slams 'disgrace' of racist chant; 27 Palestinians said hurt in police clashes; signs say 'Bennett the liar'; flights rerouted amid Gaza threats; arson balloons spark 20 fires

Right-wingers to march through Jaffa Gate instead of Damascus Gate during Tuesday's contentious event, but still plan to dance with flags outside flashpoint entrance to Old City

Right-wing nationalist parade will go ahead only if organizers come to an agreement with police; far-right MK Ben Gvir says he'll march this Thursday anyway

The two MKs are told their visit to the holy site must be declared 24 hours in advance; Ben Gvir accuses police of acting in violation of the law

Debate reportedly comes at insistence of Gantz, with PM having sought to hold discussion in smaller forum; security official: 'Someone is insisting on setting Jerusalem ablaze'

Far-right MKs arrive to show solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah's Jewish residents, while MKs from majority-Arab parties arrive to support Palestinian families facing eviction

How protests escalated into the worst violence on the Temple Mount since 2017, with hundreds injured
