No officers injured in shooting, but one lightly hurt in chase

A walk atop the Old City's walls gives visitors a glimpse into the passions of past rulers, including a Christian king, a Turkish sultan, an Armenian princess, and King Herod

Zayed Alzayani compares nighttime stroll that brought him near Western Wall, Dome of the Rock to his visits to Mecca and Medina

Archaeologists using renovation of ancient citadel to study bastion's medieval past in hope of learning more about the holy city during the Crusades

Jerusalem Development Authority holds two confabs for potential bidders; new tourism minister 'still studying' issue

Addressing lawmakers in Ankara, Turkish president says the Palestinian people have lived in the capital 'for thousands of years'

Islamic authority declares 3-week closure of holy site starting Friday, alongside national lockdown in Israel -- but later said to change course over potential Jewish visits

After virus czar high infection rates, National Security Council meets to consider imposing restrictions at sensitive holy sites; closure would likely be opposed by Palestinians

Attack occurs outside Temple Mount just before Muslim nightly prayers, amid general lull in terror activity in the capital

New analysis of traffic data appears to undermine cable car planner congestion claims, indicates solution lies in more shuttles
