To maintain social distancing, church limits entry to 50 visitors at a time, requests worshipers not touch or kiss religious items

Health Ministry official says does not expect 'eruption' of infections in area; heads of medical institutions say their facilities lack supplies to treat COVID-19

Event, which usually draws thousands of pilgrims to commemorate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, scaled back due to virus

Israeli officials say the mysterious pre-Easter ceremony limited to 10 leaders, who will deliver the flame to overseas communities through creative means

Spokesperson for local clergy expresses hope iconic Christian site will soon be reopened

Israel police keep non-residents out of Old City, while Mulsim authorities shut Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount, allowing only a few hundred to pray in its courtyard

Shops and alleyways that should be bustling with tourists are empty; holy sites see just a trickle of faithful as outbreak-curbing restrictions flatten tourism industry

At the Western Wall, only a few were at prayer; kids were neither in school nor out and about; at least the rival protesters in Paris Square were reassuringly present

At the sparsely visited Western Wall and Church of the Holy Sepulchre, some suffice with placing a hand on revered stones, while others are too spiritually overcome to avoid a peck

Palestinian arrested after suspected attempt to knife border police stationed near Damascus Gate; none injured
