MK dismisses 'absurd' report of offer to help ensure the presidency for her father, ex-Likud foreign minister David Levy, in exchange for her joining a Likud-led government

Orly Levy-Abekasis or Moshe Ya'alon's Telem, a component of Blue and White, would appear to be the most likely candidates

Poised for humiliating result, Amir Peretz says Benny Gantz's party ran an 'irresponsible campaign' and 'turned on us'; speculation swirls that his partner could defect to right

Kingmaker Yisrael Beytenu chair says he's not opposed to serving with Labor-Gesher-Meretz alliance; says it's clear that Likud-Blue and White government won't happen

Party leaders' refusal to renege on vows over past year has helped keep country in deadlock, but recent walk-backs and compromises suggest potential breakthroughs on the horizon

Bristling with excitement over merger despite earlier misgivings over alliance with leftist faction, Amir Peretz says parties have more in common than not

MKs praise move to unite peace camp, but Arab Meretz member Frej says low placement on slate and inclusion of former top general a 'slap' to Jewish-Arab partnership

Amir Peretz will lead new left-wing alliance, followed by Gesher's Orly Levy-Abekasis and Meretz's Nitzan Horowitz; Green Party's Stav Shaffir left out

Negotiations come as polls show parties hovering at between 4 and 6 Knesset seats each, in danger of falling below 3.25% threshold

Sources say that while union seems unlikely, two have agreed to continue dialog 'in order to discuss all options on the table'
