Celina Biniaz, the youngest female survivor rescued by Oskar Schindler, speaks to Hollywood A-listers

Clothing article sported illustrations of characters from Steven Spielberg’s 1993 Holocaust drama, along with an image of a train leading into Auschwitz

Volunteering with people fleeing to Poland, Oliwia Dabrowska, now 32, says she sees echoes of her iconic character in the kids she meets; hopes she can inspire action in others

Mimi Reinhardt registered employees for German industrialist's factories, helping save hundreds during Holocaust; spent her last years living in Israel

Ángel Sanz Briz saved 5,200 Jewish Hungarians by issuing fake passports and buying 11 apartment buildings as safe havens, but the anti-Israel Franco regime stifled his legacy

Filmmaker angered Emilie Schindler with 1993 letter inviting her and her 'spouse' to 'Schindler's List' epilogue

Figure skater wins silver at Grand Prix international competition while performing to John Williams film soundtrack

As group congregates to mark 45 years since German industrialist's death, one woman says her parents, whom he saved, begat over 120 descendants: 'It is all your doing'

Controlling up to two dozen German spies, Oskar Schindler helped stage the false-flag ‘Gleiwitz Incident’ to justify Germany’s invasion of Poland