Abbas says 'we do not have a partner in Israel' while in Riyadh for China-Arab summit; meets with China's President Xi

In rare interview, Palestinian president attributes recent attacks against Israelis to 'oppression,' calls Israel's UN membership 'illegal'

PA Health Ministry says four others wounded in incident near village of Aboud; Diaa al-Rimawi, 17, is fifth Palestinian fatality by Israeli fire within a day

Coalition pact said to shift process of picking heads of COGAT and Civil Administration to politicians, granting right-wing more power to expand settlements, restrict Palestinians

Under deal with Likud, junior minister from Religious Zionism to oversee key defense ministry organizations responsible for enforcing regulations, daily life in the West Bank

The kidnapping of Tiran Fero's body after West Bank car crash infuriated the Druze community in Israel

Abbas's trip kept quiet, after unverified leaked documents purported to show plans to fly with huge entourage, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in hotel bills

Ronen Bar said to update PM-designate on range of security issues, including situation in West Bank and Gaza, threat from Iran

Ramallah says deal with far-right Otzma Yehudit is 'sabotage' to prospects of future peace based on the two-state principle

Outlets unveil accounts from top PA convinced of unproven claim that their ex-leader was poisoned; source says leak aimed at settling scores amid Ramallah succession fight
