Palestinian security spokesperson says assailants were 'wary' of 'foreign' car and feared it was used by undercover Israeli troops, adds police officer rescued pair

Senior Palestinian official seems to reference comments by Smotrich, who said Israel should 'wipe out' town of Huwara before walking back remarks after widespread condemnations

Hundreds march through West Bank city's streets with coffin, some calling Palestinian forces and other officials 'prostitutes' and 'spies' for Israel

Hussein al-Sheikh tells ToI Israel made additional unpublicized commitments at Jordan summit, but Netanyahu's subsequent dismissal of confab puts planned Egypt gathering in doubt

After his call for Israel to 'pump the brakes' on its judicial overhaul led to angry pushback from Chiki, Nides says Israelis don't even want US to get out of their affairs

Nides says US not dictating details to Israel, but wants it to build consensus before moving forward, claims warnings about proposals' economic impact have PM's attention

Negev Forum summit in Morocco also in limbo as regional capitals wait to see how Ramadan will pan out, though few are optimistic following latest settlement expansion announcements

Law, also blocking future entry into the country, garners rare support of 94 of the Knesset's 120 MKs; Arab MK: 'A populist, draconian law'

Legislation that would block reentry into Israel and strip citizenship, even if offender lacks another, has garnered rare cross-aisle support

EU, Washington, UN, Arab nations assail cabinet decision to approve illegally built communities, many of which built on Palestinian land
