Akil Awawdeh is an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority and was previously beaten by Palestinian police

Lama Ghosheh gets 3-year suspended sentence for allegedly praising terror activities on social media

Lama Ghosheh, who was detained in September, says Facebook posts flagged by prosecutors reflect 'the narrative of the Palestinian street and weren't invented from my imagination'

Local reporter Nadal Ijbaria, who was victim of assassination attempt last year, killed on his way home from mosque

Nachman Shai says non-Israeli pathologist would lend 'international credibility' to investigation of Shireen Abu Akleh's shooting; right-wing lawmakers slam 'false slanders'

Report says bullet extracted from Shireen Abu Akleh's body is a 5.56 mm round used by both IDF soldiers and Palestinian terror groups

Colleagues praise renowned reporter, killed while covering clashes between IDF and Palestinian gunmen, as a groundbreaking woman in media

PM slams PA's Abbas for 'throwing blame at Israel without any basis'; Justice Minister Sa'ar says Palestinians refusing joint probe because they 'have no interest in the truth'

The reporters all work for Palestine TV, the Jerusalem offices of which were shut down by Israel last month