Visiting special representative for children in armed conflict to be given evidence of 'cynical use of kids' by terrorists

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian discusses West Bank intel and Iron Beam project as health reporter Nathan Jeffay talks side effects of COVID shots and women's health research

Michelle Bachelet says 17 minors among the dead in recent Gaza fighting between Israel and Islamic Jihad, many of whom IDF believes were killed by rocket misfires

Soldiers said they were searching for stone-throwers; military acknowledges incident in Hebron was illegal and says commanding officer received a reprimand for his actions

Soldiers nabbed kids aged 8 to 13 last month, after settlers at Havat Maon reported they had trespassed

Secretary General Antonio Guterres urges Jerusalem to end excessive use of force, calls on Palestinian groups to stop encouraging kids to participate in violence

Betty McCollum, a Minnesota Democrat, has tried in the past to introduce similar legislation, but without success