As deaths pile up, physicians say they are trying everything, but hooking up a patient to a breathing machine comes with a harsh dose of reality that their chances are slim
Decision-makers cite falling COVID cases in hotspots to support canceling their restrictions, but Dr. Ian Miskin says his empty test centers suggest that stats are faulty
Adviser to coronavirus czar expresses concern as make-or-break question left hanging, says maintaining restrictions in cities with high infection rates key to fighting virus
Admission comes as first confirmed Israeli and American reinfections documented in journals; Expert: Don’t worry, these are exceptions that prove rule of immunity
US president took lab-made cocktail reportedly based on antibodies of mice and humans; Tel Aviv team says its version uses only human antibodies, potentially boosting reliability
Reviewing studies from across the world, Israeli docs conclude there is 50% drop in sperm's quantity and ability to move among patients who had moderate or serious coronavirus
Netanyahu has expressed ‘cautious optimism’ over falling infections, but doctors say it could take weeks before there is any relief on their COVID-19 wards
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