US president-elect expected to announce pick for HHS secretary next week, along with White House adviser, FDA commissioner, CDC director

Top epidemiologist says that with inoculations wowing in trials, 'there's light at the end of the tunnel -- we just don’t know the length of the tunnel'

In first, Merriam-Webster and make same selection, whose web searches were over 1,000% higher than usual for months after stratospheric spike on March 11

The first confirmed death was in January, the declaration of the pandemic in mid-March; lockdowns around the world and a fight over masks ensued

Virus spread slows due to weeks of restrictions, but Europe remains at heart of pandemic, recording more cases than US this week

Haifa University study argues that segregating society according to age can prevent COVID deaths, avoid lockdown and get the elderly safely socializing

With new stories inspired by changes the coronavirus has wrought, 53-year-old decries romanticization of pre-outbreak world, says it's a chance to improve

The transmission rate has been rising but the full picture is less alarming than it seems, with outbreaks highly localized and most of the country ‘shining green'

Shlomi Tova, 46, hoped for health on leaving the pain and isolation of virus ward, where adults ‘cry like babies,’ but he’s one of many crushed by seemingly unshakable aftereffects

A homegrown effort to trace cases within the city’s Orthodox population struggles under the onslaught of new cases, but Jewish schools say their protective measures are working
