Actor portrays David E. Scherman in 'Lee,' which also stars Kate Winslet

Sussexes' spokesperson says pursuit with photographers lasted over two hours, led to multiple close calls with police, pedestrians, other drivers

‘Invited to Life’ by B.A. Van Sise takes a new approach to survivor testimony, showing how people who endured terrible evil rebuilt lives and pursued their dreams in a new country

Ardon Bar-Hama regularly works with rare documents such as the Aleppo Codex, so when the Douglas Foundation tapped him for a 10,000-item collection, he was ready. Now it is, too

With 'Invited to Life,' photographer Van Sise acknowledges the tragedy his subjects went through but focuses on their postwar successes pursuing hobbies, careers, love and family

Russian-born Israeli Pavel Wolberg's new exhibit in Haifa of Russia's previous incursion foreshadows the 2022 war

15 years after a Muslim AP newsman photographed daily life of Jews in the nation that is home to the Middle East’s second-largest community, his unique project finally sees light

Zion Ozeri's 'Pictures Tell' offers traditional Jewish text, photographs and insights from Jewish thinkers

Jewish author/rabbi tapped by Celebrity Cruises for campaign illustrating diversity of people who love to travel

Tel Aviv-based Roie Galitz, who is drawn to frozen landscapes, warns that the disappearance of polar bears is the world's 'canary in the coalmine'