A single mother of FIVE children, abandoned by her husband, is struggling alone in a run-down one-room apartment in Mea Shearim. With no family to turn to, she is desperately in need of help. They lack even basic necessities and are suffering. This urgent case has been personally verified by the esteemed Gaon, Rabbi Meir Sirota, and is being overseen by Vaad HaRabbanim.CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

Live at Genazym Auction!

Live at Genazym Auction!

Live at Genazym Auction!

A sense of kedusha pervades this holy prayer book, in which Rav Chaim Kanievsky, the pillar of Torah and prayer in our generation, poured out his prayers to his Creator.

An invitation letter in the handwriting of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of ‘Ksav Sofer

Collection of Letters Sent to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld following the Hebron Massacre of 1929

There isn’t a Jew who hasn’t heard of this giant among men, whose name and memory stir the soul, Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel of blessed memory. He was head of the Mir Yeshiva, an extraordinary genius in Torah, ethics, and leadership, a loving figure who was devoted with all his heart to the holy Torah, literally until all his strength was exhausted.

Fascinating teshuvah by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski to a shailah posed by a Jewish doctor regarding whether it is permissible to intravenously feed a patient on Yom Kippur. This teshuvah is one of the earliest known responses to this shailah, and all poskim who followed Rabbi Chaim Ozer and dealt with this question referenced the present teshuvah. Practically, the prevalent halachic ruling is to avoid feeding a patient intravenously unless its necessary for his health.

With the German invasion of Poland and the outbreak of World War II, Rabbi Elchanan fled with his yeshiva students to Vilna. However, in the month of Kislev 1940, under orders from the Lithuanian government, he was forced to move his yeshiva out of Vilna and relocate it to the nearby city of Trakai.
