*A rare blessing from Rabbi Shalom Arush*:  “Anyone who participates in the challah and wine Segulah of the Tanna Rabbi Hanina will be written on Rosh Hashanah for a miracle beyond the natural order!”🔥  Donate now and bring the miracle into your home> Click Here https://youtube.com/shorts/qx6pp25CtO4?si=Q34F_k1Q6_gVD4jE

The special knife directly from HaGaon HaTzaddik Rabbi Shimon Gala’i  shlit”a* With an engraved personal inscription from the Rav shlit”a, including his signature* To cut through difficulties with parnassah and open the channels of hatzlacha and siyatta diShmaya   Rosh HaShana is approaching; in a little while decrees will be written for all humankind. Yet one can still change them; one can improve before Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur arrive. Old parnassah difficulties can disappear in a moment; hatzlacha can shine upon a person this new year, b’siyatta diShmaya. What’s needed is just to open the channels of parnassah in Shamayim, and then abundance will flow down freely this coming year.

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Live at auction!

Live at Auction!

Live at Auction!

Shimon is widely admired by his neighbors and friends for his remarkable kindness and generosity. Together with his wife, he has raised 10 children, and their home was always open to those in need. He was particularly known for assisting single mothers with home repairs and offering support to anyone who required it.  Unfortunately, everything changed when he suddenly collapsed at home in front of his daughters. After being rushed to the hospital and receiving the best care, Shimon remains disabled and will soon begin rehabilitation.  This situation has left his family without an income. Our local Rabbinic board has requested that we set up an emergency support fund for Shimon’s family.  Please contribute generously. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Enter Yom Hadin with a confident understanding of the halachos of the day with the Virtual halacha program. Expertly crafted learning program, under the auspices of HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl shlita. – Meticulously prepared source sheets, so you can dive straight into the learning without delay. – Six high-quality video shiurim, breaking down complex topics into digestible lessons.– Complete with concise summaries to solidify your knowledge. We know how busy life can be. That’s why this online course is designed to fit your schedule. Learn at your own pace, on your own time. Pre Rosh Hashanah Discount: Regular price $90, now $49 JOIN NOW

Hosted by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: 3 Incredible stories of rescue, survival and perseverance. Including  – The boy who was rescued from Gaza by Yad L’Achim  – United Hatzalah members recount their stories of October 7th A Tisha B’Av film like no other. Never before seen footage. Three Stories of Danger, Drama, Despair, and Perseverance. Click here to purchase a ticket.

One cruel moment was all it took to turn Mendel Bluming’s vibrant life into a desperate struggle. On Yud Beis Tammuz, Mendel Bluming, 15, son of 770 mashgiach Rabbi Gedaliah and Nechama Dina Bluming, and a direct grandchild of Rav Gedalia Schorr zt”l (Rosh Yeshiva Torah V’daath), was walking safely on a street near Suffield Yeshiva. Despite following all precautions, including wearing a reflective vest, tragedy struck. A speeding driver struck Mendel head-on, catapulting him into the air. The impact caused severe brain trauma, other critical injuries and shattered his legs. Emergency responders fought desperately to keep him alive. Against all odds, Mendel clung to life, and his vitals stabilized.
