Live at Genazym Auction!
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Live at Genazym Auction!
The post Genazym Auction Tomorrow! Join now! appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Live at Genazym Auction!
The post Genazym Auction this Sunday! Join now! appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

The Shmuel family needs our help. Tehilla has a very painful disease. Her parents Shai and Miri are doing everything they can so that their daughter can have a pain-free, happy life. They have done extensive research into different treatment options.  The only effective treatments are not covered by national insurance. Shai works a full day but Miri is unable to work because of Tehilla’s constant appointments and care.  At this time, they are unable to afford the treatment. This is taking a toll on their daily lives and they live in fear and uncertainty about the future.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

The teacher Odelia Cohen a”h was niftara at the age of only 24, leaving behind her husband, a young kollel avreich, with an infant and a one-and-a-half-year-old baby•   The father is living with the two babies in a rental apartment intended for newlyweds • “I’m in an extremely stressful situation; I feel such heart-wrenching pain and I’m completely overwhelmed” A terrible tragedy- the sudden passing of the teacher Odelia Cohen a”h, just 24 years old, who was niftara after unexpected complications arose in an operation performed after she gave birth to her second baby.  Odelia fell and was injured during the pregnancy, and suffered a break in her spinal column.

An army of Yidden – both single and married – are waiting.  Some for a zivug, others for a child. They are waiting and proclaiming, unanimously, Umibaladecha!  There is no one but You, Hashem, our Father, our King.  We do our hishtadlus, but our belief lies in You.  As one, Bonei Olam’s Ohel Sarala and Vzakeini participants tap into the unparalleled strength of tefila – davening to the only One who has the power to bring the miracles we seek . Umibaladecha! Hashem, we don’t have another Father. JOIN OF OF BONEI OLAM’S GLOBAL TEFILA PROJECTS Ohel Sarala: Connecting singles in Shiduchim and couples struggling with infertility to daven that each one should see their Yeshuah.

Care. Commitment. Professionalism. Creativity. Mesirus nefesh. These are a few of the words that come to mind when we think of the many dedicated Rebbeim and Moros who are mechanech our precious children, day in and day out.  Everyone has a story. Whether you are a student or a parent, you have an anecdote to share that illustrates the greatness of our mechanchim and mechanchos and inspires all of us to go the extra mile in our own lives. And now, you have the opportunity to share it. Torah Umesorah has launched Share Hama’alos, a campaign focusing on sharing the ma’alos, the wonderful qualities and traits of our dedicated Rebbeim and Morahs, the stories of their enormous impact upon their students, and the future they are helping build for us, our children and all of Klal Yisroel.

​ ​ Every person in Klal Yisroel knows someone struggling with the effects of infertility. But as much as we think we know, there is so much that we don’t. As much as we know, it is only the tip of the iceberg of what can be said. There are thousands of couples and individuals facing tens of unique infertility-related situations, fears, and concerns. ​Who do these people turn to? Who can help them with the latest cutting-edge research and breakthroughs and provide financial assistance with sensitivity and care? The answer lies with Bonei Olam. ​ ​ ​ With every year, the requests for assistance are doubling.

In the last year, we at Bonei Olam reached a tremendous milestone. As of last summer over 11,000 babies were born as a direct result of our financial assistance. To look back at where Bonei Olam began – as a dream of helping couples struggling with infertility – to where we are today, is to celebrate the miracles we witness every day. There are those who may say – 10,000 babies – we have reached our milestone and our goal. I say, with the joy of welcoming over 11,000 babies into this world, I know that our mission has only just begun. Our story is far from over. In fact, it is only beginning. ​ CLICK HERE TO JOIN As long as there are childless couples in Klal Yisroel, Bonei Olam will do everything in our power to help them.
