They are Rav Gamliel’s personal friends and neighbors – the talmidei chachamim of Zichron Moshe.   They live in the pure and holy city of Yerushalayim – the city that draws visitors from around the world – in a shuchnah, a neighborhood marked by its absolute simplicity and its exalted greatness. TODAY ONLY ALL DONATION MATCHED 2X UP TO $50,000! ALL OR PART CAN BE SENT ON PURIM DAY AS MATANOS LEVYONIM . DEADLINE SOON And people who are living in extreme poverty. Stark poverty. Poverty that cannot be described or fathomed with mere words. Frightening poverty. Starvation level poverty.   As the calendar moves through the year and Purim arrives, beneath the joy spreading through the city, there is raw fear.   Who will provide for those who have nothing?

Purim is fast approaching!  Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed on Purim Day, making this a pure gift of matanos levyonim, a pure gift of tzedaka to help those less fortunate than you. CLICK HERE TO DONATE! Every donation to this cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs, for it will reach all of these cases. Give as much as you can, so that when the gabboim knock on the doors of these homes and give them an envelope full of hope and comfort, full of smiles, Hashem will remember you and your needs with a smile. May Hashem bless all those who give Tzedakah with many berochos and yeshuos. Tizku lmitzvot. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Purim is fast approaching!  Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed on Purim Day, making this a pure gift of matanos levyonim, a pure gift of tzedaka to help those less fortunate than you. CLICK HERE TO DONATE! Every donation to this cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs, for it will reach all of these cases. Give as much as you can, so that when the gabboim knock on the doors of these homes and give them an envelope full of hope and comfort, full of smiles, Hashem will remember you and your needs with a smile. May Hashem bless all those who give Tzedakah with many berochos and yeshuos. Tizku lmitzvot. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

For thousands of years, the Talmud Yerushalmi has been an elusive treasure to which precious few held the key.  Now is the dawn of a new era. Klal Yisrael is witness to a historic revelation – the revival of Day Yomi Yerushalmi.   Now, with the completion of Maseches Berachos,  we are zocheh to see thousands learning Yerushalmi on a daily basis, and be”H so many more joining along as we begin Maseches Peah.   Join us tonight, to celebrate along with Klal Yisrael on the Livestream, featuring inspiring words from Gedoli Yisrael, Music, discussion and so much more.

The Masmidei HaShabbos program is in full swing, and the feedback has been overwhelming. Over 25,000 students in over 150 schools have received the booklets. In addition, thousands of families have downloaded their free copies of the Masmidei HaShabbos or Shabbos Malkisa books, and have found that it has brought a higher level of enjoyment and peace to their Shabbos tables. Download the Booklets Today! The schools who are involved have shared the incredible feedback they’ve been receiving from their parent bodies, with comments such as “Our Shabbos table was on fire this week! Yitzy came home and didn’t stop telling over things he had read from the new initiative. I never saw him like this.

Rachamim is a beloved Rebbi who has a special bond with his talmidim. His door is always open to them, and he is the father of a large, happy family. Unfortunately, Rachamim has been suffering from an illness that requires expensive treatments, and he does not have the financial means to pay for them. He has been struggling in silence, but he can no longer go on like this. His family is now struggling to put food on the table. DONATE NOW! We are kindly asking for your help to get Rachamim back on his feet. Please daven for Rachamim ben Leah and donate now to help the family. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Chaim is the only boy in a family full of girls. He was thrilled that his bar mitzvah was approaching. Shortly before his bar mitzvah, he started to feel unwell. After a visit to his doctor he was informed that he had cancer. He was waiting with anticipation for his big day. Chaim and his parents were devastated, and so was the entire family!! Unlike boys his age, he will not be dancing with friends, celebrating his bar mitzvah, or having a kiddush in shul. His most exciting day will need to be spent in the hospital. His surgery is scheduled for this week, and he will also begin treatment. There are enormous expenses for Chaim’s family, as well as incredible suffering.

Chaim is the only boy in a family full of girls. He was thrilled that his bar mitzvah was approaching. Shortly before his bar mitzvah, he started to feel unwell. After a visit to his doctor he was informed that he had cancer. He was waiting with anticipation for his big day. Chaim and his parents were devastated, and so was the entire family!! Unlike boys his age, he will not be dancing with friends, celebrating his bar mitzvah, or having a kiddush in shul. His most exciting day will need to be spent in the hospital. His surgery is scheduled for this week, and he will also begin treatment. There are enormous expenses for Chaim’s family, as well as incredible suffering.
