The words of ‘U’nesaneh Tokef’ still echo in my mind. The words “?מי יתייסר Who will suffer?” resonate deeply within me, Tearing at my heart. I recited these words, thinking only of my little Yehuda. My baby. He’s only one year old, and he’s already suffered enough for a lifetime. Little Yehuda is stricken with cancer, and all his little body knows is suffering. He’s so little. How can someone so tiny suffer so much? I recited the words of ‘U’nesaneh Tokef,’ Wondering what Hashem has decreed for my beautiful little baby? Will he have life? Peace? Health? We’ve davened so many tefillos. We’ve accepted kabbalos and given tzedakah. We’ve spilled rivers of tears. But there’s one thing we—his parents—haven’t done for him yet.

We’ve gotten this close! We can’t stop now! Throughout the past weeks, tens of thousands worldwide have united in tefillos and maasim tovim for Yanky’s refuah. Rivers of tears have been spilled, and thousands joined the campaign, fundraising and donating to save Yanky’s life. Many of you have already heard or read the heart-wrenching story of 6-year-old Yanky who collapsed only days after his Chumash party. In no time, the doctors discovered the deadly tumor that formed in his kidneys and has already spread to other organs in his small body. In Israel, the doctors already despaired of treatment, but there is one cancer clinic in America with an experimental treatment that still has the potential to save his life.

Sukkos is fast approaching. Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed before Yom Tov.  DONATE NOW! Rav Shimon Galai Shlit’a one of the great tzaddikim and mekubalim of Eretz Yisrael, has given a bracha to all donors of this campaign to have a Shana Tova and Gemar Chasima Tova. Every donation to this cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs. Give as much as you can, so that when the gabboim knock on the doors of these homes and give them an envelope full of hope and comfort, full of smiles, Hashem will remember you and your needs with a smile. May Hashem bless all those who give Tzedakah with many berochos and yeshuos. Tizku lmitzvot. SPONSOR ONE FAMILY FOR $180 CLICK TO DONATE!

Sukkos is fast approaching. Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed before Yom Tov.   Rav Shimon Galai Shlit’a one of the great tzaddikim and mekubalim of Eretz Yisrael, has given a bracha to all donors of this campaign to have a Shana Tova and Gemar Chasima Tova. DONATE HERE Every donation to this cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs. Give as much as you can, so that when the gabboim knock on the doors of these homes and give them an envelope full of hope and comfort, full of smiles, Hashem will remember you and your needs with a smile. May Hashem bless all those who give Tzedakah with many berochos and yeshuos. Tizku lmitzvot. SPONSOR ONE FAMILY FOR $180

Six months ago, I stood under the chuppah, a radiant chosson, dreaming of a rosy future, davening for the home we’d build, for health, shalom bayis, children, parnassah, simchah… I stepped on the glass, shattering it into thousands of shards. The music exploded in joyous song. Shouts of mazal tov, hugs and handshakes. We were husband and wife. Now, only six months later, our lives are shattered. My wife of only six months was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer. I’m on the brink of losing her. Her chances of survival are slim, Six months ago, I davened for health, parnassah, success in learning, children who would grow into talmidei chachamim… Why didn’t I didn’t think to daven for something as simple as life??? We’re both so young. We’re just starting to build our lives together!

Yankie Meyer taught us how to do TRUE CHESED!  Misaskim, the world-famous organization founded by Yankie Meyer, should require no depiction or write-up. Everyone knows and understands the true chesed that simply appears whenever a Yiddishe neshama departs this world. What is less known is the endless breadth of what Yankie’s legacy of chesed resourcefulness that has permanently changed the landscape of Klal Yisrael.  One of the many programs that Yankie undertook was the launch of Project Yedid. The goal was and is to provide support for Almanos and Yesomim, specifically, after the end of shivah and for years to come. Project Yedid is the largest percentage of Misaskim’s annual expenses.

Sometimes, I feel like I’m in a dream. Running after something invisible. Running, running, but as far as I run, it’s always ahead. There are times when I get so close, and then, once again, it’s just out of reach. Do you know that feeling too? My name is Ariella. I’m 17 years old, and I was born with Goldenhar Syndrome. Most people have never heard of it, and I hope that you’ll never have to know more than I’m telling you right now… I was born with only one ear, with the left side of my face paralyzed until my jaw. I’ve been through a lot in my 17 years. Much more than most kids my age. Right after I was born, my dad told my mom that if she brings me home from the hospital, he’ll leave her because he doesn’t want such a child. It was him or me.

Live video broadcast from event marking completion of thousands of books of Zohar, led by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto. | Includes: Torah scroll dedication in honor of those killed in the Meron disaster, and inspiring Selichot prayers. | On stage: Renowed hasidic singers Avraham Fried, Chaim Israel, and the Malchut choir. Just prior to Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), thousands are gathering at the Menora Mivtachim hall in the city of Tel Aviv, to celebrate an historic event in which the holy Zohar was completed thousands of times. The event will also feature inspiring Selichot prayers, and a Torah scroll dedication honoring the 45 killed last year in the Meron disaster. It will be led by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto.

Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching. Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will be distributed before Yom Tov.   Rav Shimon Galai Shlit’a one of the great tzaddikim and mekubalim of Eretz Yisrael, has given a bracha to all donors of this campaign to have a Shana Tova and Gemar Chasima Tova. DONATE HERE Every donation to this cause will bring you countless zechusim and mitzvahs. Give as much as you can, so that when the gabboim knock on the doors of these homes and give them an envelope full of hope and comfort, full of smiles, Hashem will remember you and your needs with a smile. May Hashem bless all those who give Tzedakah with many berochos and yeshuos. Tizku lmitzvot. SPONSOR ONE FAMILY FOR $180      

There is a well-known Segulah of Rosh Hashana which is to complete Sefer Tehillim twice on the first night of Yom Tov. There are many stories of Yeshuos, in particular with couples who have yearned for a child and singles waiting for Shiduchim.   ​This year, thousands of women and girls will be finishing Tehillim 2x in the Zchus of those in need of a Yeshuah. Every participant commits to saying 3-5 Perakim of Tehillim twice on the first night of Rosh Hashanah. CLICK HERE TO JOIN You can also submit names of couples struggling with infertility. ***please make sure you have consent from the couples you are submitting. The names will be sent to many people.
