Roshei Yeshiva and Askanim gather in Lakewood on behalf of Ukrainian refugees            It’s the least we can do   A group of Roshei Yeshiva, askanim, and Lakewood community members gathered on behalf of Ukrainian Jewry, to revitalize and reaffirm their fundraising and hatzalah efforts. The plight of Ukrainian Jewry is a contemporary issue that we’ve all been following closely. But as the war in Ukraine drags on and headlines move to brighter news stories, their desperate straits are slowly fading from public awareness. Unfortunately, their situation is far from over.

Sorah Leah bas Michal is currently facing a matzav that no one should ever have to endure. She is sick with a serious illness that has taken over her physical and mental wellbeing, the cost of which to cure is not covered by the Ministry of Health. Her families financial situation has worsened due to her illness. DONATE NOW! Sorah Leah’s family is begging for help to all who are able to. Rabbi Chanoch Davidman of Ramat Beit Shemesh testifies to the integrity of the family, and in the merit of extending a hand, Hashem should bless you with health and parnassah, and have mercy on all Cholay Yisroel. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Sorah Leah bas Michal is currently facing a matzav that no one should ever have to endure. She is sick with a serious illness that has taken over her physical and mental wellbeing, the cost of which to cure is not covered by the Ministry of Health. Her families financial situation has worsened due to her illness. DONATE NOW! Sorah Leah’s family is begging for help to all who are able to. Rabbi Chanoch Davidman of Ramat Beit Shemesh testifies to the integrity of the family, and in the merit of extending a hand, Hashem should bless you with health and parnassah, and have mercy on all Cholay Yisroel. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

It was several weeks before Yitzy Birnbaum’s Bar Mitzvah that his parents started noticing the signs. Frequent headaches, dizziness, and constant exhaustion were only some of the symptoms that their usually happy-go-lucky son was starting to complain about constantly. A few days later, Yitzy was given a diagnosis that them all into a state of horrified shock– At only twelve years old, he had an aggressive form of cancer. “A teenage boy shouldn’t be living in a hospital, staring at white walls and hearing nothing but endless beeping and children crying,” shares Yitzy’s mother, three long, hard years later.

Dear brothers and sisters I never thought that as the greatest day of my life would approach , I would be in a sea of worry and panic. I did not believe that I would have to reach out for help to provide the basic needs for my wedding.  My mother’s debilitating illness that makes her unable to function and the strain that it puts on my father. Please daven for my mother, – Esther Bas Chaya. My father is a true tzaddik in torah, middos and avodas Hashem and helping me is helping him and my mother too.  I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund.You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzvah of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes. DONATE NOW!

HEARTBREAKING NEWS: Shmuel Rubin, a cheder Rebbi from Beitar and beloved father of eight children has tragically passed on at the young age of 58 after an intense and unexpected six week month battle with liver cancer. Shmuel’s wife Yenta had been fighting her own battle against cancer for years until Shmuel suddenly got sick, leaving Shmuel the sole caretaker and breadwinner of their large family.  No one ever expected Shmuel to be the first to go. “We never had much in terms of money…,” shares their grieving son, Mordechai. “But my parents always loved me, unconditionally, and in that way I always felt very lucky.” After the anguish of losing his father, Mordechai spilled his heart out to the public: “…He wasn’t supposed to die. Not this way.

Three months ago, throngs of terrified humans sought refuge from their mother country, a country that was being torn apart by the rage of war. Hundreds of Jews from Odessa, Ukraine left their homes in images hauntingly similar to those from the holocaust, clutching their loved ones with nothing but the bare necessities they would need to survive. Many found their way to their roots, to Israel. Although news headlines about the war in Ukraine have dwindled down to almost nothing, most of the Jews from Odessa are still stranded, in a country none other than Germany. Rabbi Shneir Vigler, a well-known Rabbi from the Jewish community of Odessa, reports that members of his community are going through hell. “These people lost their entire world,” he said.

Sobs were heard through the crowd, as hundreds gathered recently to escort the body of Rabbi Mordechai Goldman, 47, to his grave. Rabbi Goldman collapsed suddenly in front of his children, and was in a coma for three weeks before he returned his soul to its Creator. All eyes were on the Rabbi’s children, young boys with long red peyos and puffy eyes from weeping. The youngest hung his head and cried openly over his father’s body, as onlookers struggled to maintain composure. The Goldman children are so encompassed in grief they haven’t yet realized their immediate danger: Without their father, there is no income for the coming month. Rabbi Goldman had been solely responsible for the family’s finances.

With a fully stocked beis medrash, a gym and numerous amenities, CW Yeshiva develops your ruchniyus and gashmiyus. CWY, which stands for the College & Working Yeshiva, is unique in that it’s geared toward those who are starting out on their career path, whether that’s college or working. Whatever your aspirations, CWY provides a warm, welcoming environment where you can strengthen your yiddishkeit, and learn Torah on a high level, while getting started on your professional journey.

The tragic recent passing of Rabbi Mordechai Goldman serves as a powerful reminder of how fragile a life can be. Goldman, 47,  was home with his children when he suddenly collapsed. For three weeks, his wife and 10 children sat by the side of his hospital bed, and his community prayed for his survival. In a shocking turn, Goldman passed away, leaving his family and congregation devastated. Rabbi Goldman was a dedicated family man and Torah scholar, who edited seforim. Without him, his widow Baila is at a loss: Not only did Rabbi Goldman solely handle his family’s finances for 25 years, his wife does not even know how to access their bank account. At the funeral, hundreds gathered to watch young red-headed children weep openly over their father’s shrouded body.
