Reb Moshe and his wife Yocheved have always been their for their neighbors. A family of chesed, they are there for everyone with their phones ringing 24 hours a day for emotional and financial help in every aspect of life. They’ve become role models in Ahavas Yisroel, and now are in dire need of your support. DONATE NOW! Unfortunately, over the past year their son fell ill and is in need of a refuah sheleimah. Chaim Ben Yocheved is battling an illness that has put the family into significant debt, since Kaput Cholim doesn’t cover the entire cost of their needs. The current cost of all treatment is $30,000, and they turn to Klal Yisroel at their moment of need. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Our goal is to reach 10,000 donors during this campaign on Rabbi Shlomo Bochner’s page. Our friends and supporters at SwingIt outdoor playsets have offered to raffle off a swingset to all donors (any amount) that help reach 10,000! Drop in any donation, $1 and up and you will be entered. You can also win a trip to Europe valued at $3000. ​     When Bonei Olam’s 10,000th baby was born this past year, an incredible milestone was reached. Throughout the years, Bonei Olam founder Rabbi Shlomo Bochner has been at the side of childless couples. He has spent hours and hours guiding them, assisting them, sharing in their pain and anguish. And he’s been there to share in their moments of joy as well. Now, Bonei Olam is determined to help bring another 10,000 priceless neshamos into the world.

He was the Rabbi. Now he can’t even go to shul.  Rabbi Aharon Berger would give anything to go back to the “glory days” in Beitar. He was the Rav of Shearis Yisroel synagogue. Rabbi Berger would happily answer questions and welcome new-comers, and was himself a fixture in the community. Until tragedy struck. Rebbetzin Berger passed away at just 38 years old, and Rabbi Berger became ill as well.  Blockages in his arteries caused several health problems, which have now gotten out of control. His leg is swollen and purple, and extremely painful to move. Each time he tries to walk, Rabbi Berger screams out in pain.  He is trapped in his home and his leg is getting worse, more disfigured. Doctors say that if he does not get major surgery, he will die.

Everyone knows someone that needs a shidduch, (I’m sure you do to) – so it’s worth the 23 seconds it takes to learn about TU B’AV TOGETHER YAD L’ACHIM’S GLOBAL DAY OF TEFILLAH FOR SHIDDUCHIM!WATCH THE 2 FREE LIVE MUSIC & TEFILLAH EVENTS ON TU B’AV That’s why over 500,000+ Jews from across the world (U2), will be davening together on Tu B’Av (8/12 @10am) for SHIDDUCHIM, reciting 8 perakim of Tehillim .To download the Tehillim to be said on Tu B’Av Together CLICK HERE There will be 2 Live Events with Rabbonim & Musical performances to watch online at (see flyer below).THURSDAY 8/10 @7:30PM: FREE LIVE MUSIC EVENT WITH 14 STARS           FRIDAY 8/11 @8:30PM : LIVE TEFILLAH EVENT WITH LEADING RABBONIM At the same time

It’s almost hard to believe that there was once a time when he was the Rav of a shul. Rabbi Aharon Berger was much beloved by the kehila of Shearis Yisroel in Beitar. They came to him with their questions and he greeted them warmly, knowing each familiar face.  But when his wife passed away in her thirties, and he became ill at the same time, things spiraled out of control. Now he sits in his tiny apartment in Jerusalem. His leg is swollen and purple, and needs to be elevated at all times: He has blockages in his arteries and doctors say that without surgery, he will die. The rabbi has tears in his eyes. Fallen from grace, from respected rabbi, to begging strangers for help. “Without this surgery, I will die,” he says on his Chesed Fund page. It is a heartbreaking sight to see.

Dear brothers and sisters, My name is Shira and with Hashem’s help I will be getting married very soon! My happiness is not complete because I have no way to pay for anything! I do not have any relatives or friends who can help me pay for my wedding. I am an orphan, I lost my father at a young age. CLICK TO DONATE! I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund. You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzva of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes. In the zechus of helping me, Hashem should send you shefa and hatzlacha in all areas of life in good health. Tizku limitzvos. Shira CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

A Jerusalem family went through a living nightmare recently when their father who was diagnosed with cancer several months ago underwent surgery that went horribly wrong. As the surgeon attempted to remove a tumor from his spine something became infected, leaving Tzvi Shtesl, once a talented chazan and beloved father of his six children and community, a changed man forever.  “He came out with brain damage, totally immobilized, and unable to speak,” Tzvi’s wife Gittel Leah expressed her devastation with us several days ago. “The man I once married and raised kids together with, and the man he is today…It’s just not the same man…It’s just can’t believe this is happening.” Recently Tzvi was released from the hospital and allowed to come back home with full-time care.

Dear brothers and sisters, My name is Shira and with Hashem’s help I will be getting married very soon! My happiness is not complete because I have no way to pay for anything! I do not have any relatives or friends who can help me pay for my wedding. I am an orphan, I lost my father at a young age. CLICK TO DONATE! I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund. You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzva of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes. In the zechus of helping me, Hashem should send you shefa and hatzlacha in all areas of life in good health. Tizku limitzvos. Shira CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

Sorah Leah bas Michal is currently facing a matzav that no one should ever have to endure. She is sick with a serious illness that has taken over her physical and mental wellbeing, the cost of which to cure is not covered by the Ministry of Health. Her families financial situation has worsened due to her illness. DONATE NOW! Sorah Leah’s family is begging for help to all who are able to. Rabbi Chanoch Davidman of Ramat Beit Shemesh testifies to the integrity of the family, and in the merit of extending a hand, Hashem should bless you with health and parnassah, and have mercy on all Cholay Yisroel. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

News of a father-of-five made waves this year after he was given a harsh 25-year- sentence for a crime that he did not commit. The story took another shocking spin when the courts ended up “bumping up” his sentence from 25 years to a lifetime sentence in prison. “Boruch Hashem we have raised over $104,000!” reads a recent update on the Chesed Fund page. “We need to raise another $46,000 as soon as possible to free him for once and for all. Please donate generously towards his immediate release, for every second his health is failing. Thank you!” In the following days, a husband and father’s story will end. Whether the ending will be a happy or tragic one, however, has yet to be seen.
