Chaim is the only boy in a family full of girls. He was thrilled that his bar mitzvah was approaching. Shortly before his bar mitzvah, he started to feel unwell. After a visit to his doctor he was informed that he had cancer. He was waiting with anticipation for his big day. Chaim and his parents were devastated, and so was the entire family!! Unlike boys his age, he will not be dancing with friends, celebrating his bar mitzvah, or having a kiddush in shul. His most exciting day will need to be spent in the hospital. His surgery is scheduled for this week, and he will also begin treatment. There are enormous expenses for Chaim’s family, as well as incredible suffering. A person cannot understand his parents’ pain unless they have been in a similar situation, which no one should ever face. CLICK TO DONATE! I ask you to please assist his parents in funding his treatments while providing them with the support they need during these challenging times. Please keep Chaim ben Nechama in your tefillos and daven for a complete and speedy recovery.   CLICK HERE TO DONATE! 
The post Chaim’s Bar Mitzvah party canceled appeared first on The Yeshiva World.