Yossi Hershkowitz, a revered school principal in Jerusalem, transitioned from educator to hero on a mission in Gaza. He led a daring operation to rescue hostages, eliminating 22 Hamas members but sacrificing his life in the process.

Countless Jewish families were forced to flee for their lives in Israel, leaving behind all their possessions. We must stand by these families, showing them all the love and support they deserve.  In Ramat Bet Shemesh, we have welcomed many refugee families with open arms, but they are still in desperate need of basic necessities.

Countless Jewish families were forced to flee for their lives in Israel, leaving behind all their possessions.

Campaign Initiated in Response to Urgent Need of Tactical and Essential Equipment for Communities in Danger on the Front Lines Efrat, Israel – November 2, 2023 — Just One Chesed, a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to providing support to IDF soldiers and front-line communities, in partnersh

Countless Jewish families were forced to flee for their lives in Israel, leaving behind all their possessions.

Campaign Initiated in Response to Urgent Need of Tactica

Their lives have been upended.  That’s the reality for thousands of families from the north and south of Eretz Yisroel right now.

Refugees in their own country.

We Need Mama Rochel’s Tears, Now More Than Ever 24 Hours of Tehillim on Your Behalf Send a Kvittel and be included in the Tefillos for 24 Hours Shidduchim | Parnassah | Yeshous | Children | Success Due to the circumstances, access to Mama Rochel’s kever will be limited.

In times of uncertainty, when nothing feels sure, there’s always one answer. We look towards our past for guidance, clarity and support.  And we ask ourselves, what did our ancestors do in painful times?
