The term “​meis mitzvah”​ is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a ​mitzvah​ that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the ​chevrah kadisha​ who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case. The Hebrew Free Burial Association​ is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary ​zechus​ of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status. Astoundingly, the ​Hebrew Free Burial Association​ buries approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day.

People are shocked at what is happening to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Meislish, a popular couple in Eretz Yisrael known for their contributions to Klal Yisrael. She was diagnosed with a fairly common disease known for its mild symptoms. Unfortunately the results are anything but mild and have spread from the confines of her body onto her husband and 5 kids, but not for the reason you might think. If the spread isn’t stopped ASAP, this family, constant providers of essential services for the Jewish people, will collapse and all of us in Am Yisrael will be worse off. Rabbi Meislish is talmid chacham and a leading mechanech whose way with words is credited with not only saving countless Jewish boys who were off the derech, but lifting them to high levels of learning and spirituality.

Precious brothers, Unfortunately, I got divorced eight years ago and my children live with me. My parents are not physically well so they are also under my care. I was in desperate need of money, so I borrowed a large amount of money from a group of money lenders in Eretz Yisrael. With great effort, I tried to pay the sum but I could not meet their requirements. They threatened to kill me if I do not pay up by November 10. They know where my family lives and are monitoring me. Had I known who these people were, I would never have dealt with them. CLICK HERE TO DONATE My brothers, I do not know what to do. They are merciless and determined to act if I do not fulfill their wishes R”l.

Readers were shocked this month to read the news of a group of Israeli girls who were tricked into travelling with a suitcase containing goods which are legal in Israel but illegal in many other countries. When the girls arrived in Bulgaria, they were rushed by police, and taken to jail. As the days passed and they had not heard from their daughters, their respective families began to panic. It was only after two weeks in jail that 22-year-old Rivka Zuaretz was able to make her allotted 3-minute call to her parents. Rivka was in hysterics: None of the prison guards spoke Hebrew, she had no access to kosher food, she was surrounded by violent inmates, and the prosecution was seeking a shocking 15 years.  The girls’ families immediately scrambled to try to rescue them from mortal danger.

Dear brothers and sisters, I am the almana of the tzaddik, Rav Chaim Ozer Yudelevitz of Yerushalayim. The brother of the famous Magid Harav Shabsi Yudilevitz. A cousin of להבדיל בין חיים לחיים, מרן שר התורה רבי חיים קנייבסקי שליט”א My late husband left a beautiful family who are all yirei shomayim. Unfortunately, he also left me impoverished. CLICK HERE TO DONATE! It is with tears and a heavy heart that I beg of you to please help me alleviate the burden that rests on my shoulders. It is extremely difficult for me to afford my basic needs and household essentials. My financial situation makes my loneliness more intense. With the zechus of your donation, I am confident that you will have a great amount of siyata deshmaya. Hashem listens carefully to the tefilos of almanos.

It is shocking that Eretz Yisrael in 2020, a man can still be persecuted by Arabs for being Jewish, with tragic results. Reuven Michaeli moved to Israel 43 years ago with a dream of turning a deserted piece of Israel green, while replanting Jewish roots, absent from the region for centuries. He purchased a barren plot in Northern Israel and turned it into a successful farm. He became the leading grower of Kalaniyot flowers in the world and employed tens of Jews in agriculture. This Oleh had made it big in Israel.   Insert Flower Picture, attached, with the insert: Kalaniyot flowers in full bloom    Everything went downhill recently with three consecutive tragedy’s. His wife of more than 40 years, who he considered his best friend,  got cancer and passed away, leaving him devastated.

11 Cheshvan is the yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu and a special day of tefillah.  Kever Rachel was built as a place for Jews to daven in golus. For those who are davening for children, a shidduch, parnassah, health or any other matter, the zechus of Rochel Imeinu is a zechus for them. Going to the kever on the yahrtzeit is a tremendous merit. According to official statistics, Kever Rachel is one of the three sites in all of Eretz Yisroel visited by the largest number of visitors. Every year, on the yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu, tens of thousands of people visit the site. The number of visitors on that day has exceeded 150,000. According to some estimates, even more than 200,000 people flock to the kever.

How much money is a life worth? This is the chilling question that the Feinbergs of Beitar Illit have unfortunately had to ask themselves. Their 12-year-old son Moishy Feinberg was a ‘regular,’ happy, athletic kid who began to lose weight mysteriously recently. After many tests he was diagnosed with a rare joint disease which requires weekly treatments at his local hospital. The medications he needs to keep him alive now cost an overwhelming $25,000 a month.  In short, it has torn the once happy Feinberg family apart. Moishy parents moved their entire family, including their 5 other young children, to an apartment closer to the hospital. They are living in poverty, unable to pay their bills. Moishy’s bar mitzvah is next month and they can’t even afford to buy him a pair of tefillin.

Moishy Feinberg was an active, happy kid for the first 11 years of his life. That’s why his mother became so concerned when he began losing weight, and acting weak. Test after test, doctors were unable to determine what was going on. In just six months, the boy lost a shocking 65 pounds. That’s when doctors were finally able to diagnose Moishy with an extremely rare joint disease. Like any loving parents would, they committed themselves fully to Moishy’s recovery: Mr. and Mrs. Feinberg moved their family, including their other 5 children, to a new neighborhood so that they could be closer to the hospital. Every week for nearly two years they accompanied their son to his treatments, doing all they could to make him comfortable as he lay in his hospital bed.

We are holding now by 24,750 members! It’s officially THE FINAL STRETCH. We need your help to reach our historic goal of 25,000. CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW About Bonei Olam Vzakeini 25,000 Goal! IVF treatment is effective for many different fertility issues. But $18,000 is the cost of a simple IVF treatment (if we can even call it that). When there is something more complex like a genetic mutation, andrology issue (male infertility), or a woman who requires further testing, the price of treatment is much higher. Through V’zakeini, Bonei Olam has uncovered something – There is a movement here. There is achdus of feeling for another, doing for another. To give and to daven for another. There is the power of together.
