With millions of views of his outrageous science and physics videos, Yochana Ghoori of IncredibleScienceCamp.com will be putting an ASTOUNDING PERFORMANCE this Sunday, June 14th, at 5pm EST. Watch as things pop, wizz, bang, and whir as you learn about how the world works – and get thoroughly entertained in the process. Access to the show is only $10 for an entire family! Children (and adults) A portion of every ticket purchased will go to benefit Hatzalah, and the show will be recorded so you can rewatch it later. Check out Yochanan in action and reserve your ticket now!  

At one point or another, we’ve all heard the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” As we go through life we realize that the grass may not always be greener on the other side.  We know it to be true, and yet, we can’t imagine that the first people we should be offering our help to would be our own friends and neighbors. The woman you stand patiently behind as you wait in line at the grocery store. The beloved elderly couple who sweetly offers your child a treat just because he said hello. The man you sit next to regularly at Minyan.  They don’t really seem so different than you. We all experience turbulent times and while we recognize that no one is the exception to that rule, we forget to look beyond what’s “normal”.

Parenthood is challenging for just about everyone. For Yaffa & Bentzi Katz, however, it is truly a full time job. They have 6 kids, two of whom are severely disabled. Roizy, 7, and Leizer, 5, are wheelchair-bound and need oxygen to breathe. Between their treatments, tending to their needs, and the rest of the Katz kids, there is very little time for anything else. Because of this, father Bentzi has been unable to keep any sort of job. There is always another emergency, another hospital trip, another cry for help which keeps him from working full-time. This has left the couple, and their 6 kids, in a very difficult financial situation. That is why they are turning to the global Jewish community for help.

The world is in a chaotic place. When faced with health crises, social unrest, and financial instability, it is natural to feel a sense of helplessness. Some, however, manage to rise above this sense of helplessness and fight, against all odds, to make an impact on the world. Few exemplify this trait more than Rabbi & Rebbetzin Mentzer, of Jerusalem.  Rabbi Mentzer was severely disabled for much of his life. He and his Rebbetzin were married for many years before they were blessed with children. The Rabbi was wheel-chair bound. Despite these and other challenges which would have paralyzed many, Rabbi Mentzer was extremely active in his community. He dedicated his time to helping struggling families, and many individuals would come to ask him for his guidance.

Rav Stern of Jerusalem had everything that many work a lifetime to achieve: A talmid chacham, a rosh kollel, and a mashgiach, with a wonderful Rebbetzin & 14 happy children. Despite appearances however, a diagnosis had quietly turned their home to chaos. Since Rebbetzin Stern’s battle with cancer began, the Rav has become solely responsible for raising his large family. This is in addition to running a kollel, and tending to his wife’s needs. As is the case in families hit by such trauma, the older kids have learned to care for the younger kids. The Rebbetzin is confined to her bed, fighting bravely against the disease. It did not take long for financial pressure to take hold.

We are grief-stricken with this immeasurable tragedy. Mrs. Baila Rivka Mertzbach nee Uhr a”h A young mother from Monsey, with no prior medical conditions, has tragically succumbed to the coronavirus. She left behind a family of 11 children with the youngest just 1 year old. This tragedy has shaken us to the core. The children have been left shattered, lost, and bereft of their mother’s love and warm care. “How will we survive the excruciating pain of living without Mommy?” her family is weeping.
