Bill terminating country’s citizenship law passes first reading amid heated debate, may take effect January 1, 2024

Local victims aged 10 to 110 years old were killed or expelled in the Portuguese Inquisition between 1536 to 1821

Israel leads as country with most applicants for 2nd year running, after Portuguese government began allowing descendants of Sephardic Jews to seek passports

Media mogul aims to calm concerns after top lieutenant detained in Portugal on suspicion of embezzlement

Though experts believe economics are more likely to drive an exodus than ideology, services offering emigration assistance say calls increased manyfold as legislation has advanced

Measure passed for Jewish state's 75th anniversary urges cooperation between the countries and a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Suspected attacker taken to hospital after being 'neutralized' by police; Portugal prime minister says incident an isolated criminal act

Granddaughter of late army captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto says he was denied posthumous honor because he can't make request in person

Part 2 of a Times of Israel series examining what $90,000 can get homebuyers looking to climb the nation’s steep real estate ladder -- this time by looking at properties abroad

Lisbon court says no 'single fact' shows Rabbi Daniel Litvak gave priority to requests of Jews for Portuguese citizenship, in investigation tied to oligarch Roman Abramovich
