Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah tells global security conference that a conflict would be 'in no one's interest'

Sight of empty stadiums and collapsing runners at World Athletics Championships spook some, but organizers insist Gulf country can host soccer's biggest show

Israel's Lonah Chemtai Salpeter was one of 28 who collapsed in women's marathon; both Israel-based refugees complete their races near bottom of pack

LGBT issues are sensitive in Qatar, and homosexual acts are still illegal

PM tried to arrange confab at US-led Warsaw conference in February, was told timing not right, according to Israeli TV report

PA president says he will speak to parties that hold influence with Hamas to try to secure the release of Avera Mengistu, two ex-MKs say

Qatar and Syria also slam Netanyahu's comments; Saudi Arabia calls for emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

As his country delivers $10 million to 100,000 needy families in the Strip, Mohammed al-Emadi contends both Israel and Gaza-based terror group committed to truce

Impoverished beneficiaries set to receive $100 each; Qatar envoy visits as tensions between Israel and Gaza terror groups spiral

Mohammed al-Emadi scheduled for multi-day visit as border tensions spike following violent confrontations between IDF and armed Palestinians
