Qatar's Gaza Reconstruction Committee says $100 bills will again be handed out to a total of 60,000 recipients in the Strip

Envoys Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt to visit Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, starting from next week

Following downing of drone and tanker attacks, Air Force says F-22s have been sent to Persian Gulf 'to defend American forces and interests'

Palestinians reject plan outright and Arab countries are only lukewarm, but experts point out participation of Qatar in normally hostile Bahrain is a positive step

Palestinians throw rocks and explosives at Israeli troops, who respond with teargas and occasional live fire at weekly demonstration

A day after terror group spokesman said Jerusalem was abiding by unofficial agreement, Ismail Haniyeh accuses Israel of showing ‘no respect’

Doha envoy says only 60,000 will receive payouts, not 100,000 as he said on Sunday

After initially saying 100,000 families would get $100 each, Gulf official says only 60,000 to get payouts, with other $4 million to go to "other sustainable projects"

Terror group's assurances that the truce is still in place comes amid reports of delays in Qatar transferring funds to needy families in the Strip

One-time soccer star who was suspended by FIFA in 2015 held as part of bribery investigation
