Some towns saw backing for right-wing party jump eightfold, but actual ballot numbers added up to no more than several hundred, and sometimes several dozen

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

With 80% of vote counted, anti-Netanyahu bloc satellite parties seen receiving between 6 and 8 seats, after many pollsters wondered whether they would make it into Knesset at all

Polls project drop in Arab vote from 2020, when Joint List scored 15 seats; now the party is poised to drop to 7 or 8, and Ra'am, which split off from it, may not make it in

Meanwhile, Liberman denies anti-gay bias after allegations by businesswoman; Arab lawmakers come under fire for refusing to openly back legislation for LGBT rights

Party sought to focus on social-economic issues and enter the coalition, but failed to pick up enough steam to pass the electoral threshold

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Mansour Abbas indicates he'll offer his support in the coalition-building process to the candidate that responds best to his demands

Mansour Abbas, who has touted working with Netanyahu, ousted from demonstration against community violence, claims those who opposed him were from rival political party

Yair Lapid strengthens to 20 seats, but no bloc has a clear path to 61 seats following the March 23 election
