High temperatures, strong easterly winds in potentially dangerous combination previously seen in 2010 and 2016; climatologist: 'Global warming is causing an increase in extremes'

Climate change wreaking havoc, says expert, with winter preceded by sizzling summer, hottest September on record, completely dry October; most coastal rain fell in 4 large bursts

As downpours continue, parts of Israel record the rainiest month on November since 1994; storm expected to let up over the weekend

Divers, firefighters called to Hod Hasharon; women rescued from Herzliya train station on inflatable raft; 95-year-old found unconscious outdoors in Ashkelon

As of Tuesday, the freshwater lake stands at 209.535 meters below sea level, highest since 1993

Israel's main source of freshwater swells to just 21 centimeters under upper red line, at which point it could overflow; experts expect lake to be full by early May

Israel's main source of freshwater just 47.5 centimeters from upper red line, where it could overflow; level continuing to rise as snow melts in Golan Heights

Shores between Kalya and Ovnat are alive with wildflowers

At perennially parched freshwater lake where Jesus walked on water, weeks of major rainfall could see nearby dam opened to send water into Jordan River for first time since 1992

Jerusalem prepares for cold, possible flakes, though odds are low; precipitation causes blockages on several major roads
