Ayman Safadi meets with Abbas as Amman pushes against Israel's plans to annex parts of the West Bank, reportedly tells PA president to appeal directly to Trump to stop plan

Ayman Safadi meets with Abbas as Jordan pushes against Israel's plans to annex parts of the West Bank; PA source says international pressure is working

Thabet Thabet is the sole government hospital in Tulkarem; official says carrier walked through several sections of the medical facility

Bus driver who was infected after ferrying Greek tourists and stayed at hotel still in serious condition; mosques, churches in Ramallah sanitized as part of precautionary measures

Palestinians oppose proposal, and leadership has called for popular outrage, but in the central Palestinian city, the prevailing sentiment is one of gloomy resignation

Palestinian Legislative Council has not met for over a decade, but as mail piles up and workers try to keep busy, some see promised vote bringing the building back to life

Events attended by hundreds; a dozen masked men lead the march through Ramallah, firing several rounds of gunfire into the air, others don fake explosive vests

In return for Israel easing restrictions on Strip, Hamas will reportedly curb protests, rockets; Bennett to bring for approval further cuts to PA over terror stipends

Palestinian official says German chancellor recently told Abbas she won four elections since he was last elected in 2005; some European diplomats question future financial aid

PA police say man died of an unspecified illness after two-week hospitalization; deceased had been held since 2012
