Stores on Yehuda Halevi Street were told a bonanza would come after 8 years of mere survival in a construction site; so far this has not materialized

Trams stopped in Jaffa area as demonstrators once again disrupt the new line over lack of Shabbat operation

Tram to begin service an hour earlier, extend service past midnight; Friday saw activists once again chain themselves to car in protest of limited weekend service

Several dozen people protest at Allenby Station on day's last tram, causing service to stop and driver to leave; police on the scene

Mayor's announcement will likely please residents of his largely secular suburb but also comes two months ahead of municipal elections when he'll aim to win a second term

Demanding 'freedom of movement, even on the Sabbath,' handful of demonstrators handcuff themselves to handrails inside the train in effort to keep it open until the day of rest

People come from across country to ride on inaugural trains, with 70-year-old Koti Elazar recognized as first passenger; 'This rail will take Bat Yam forward,' mayor vows

At perennially parched freshwater lake where Jesus walked on water, weeks of major rainfall could see nearby dam opened to send water into Jordan River for first time since 1992