Cloud storage provider will lay off about 50 people, mostly engineers, in Tel Aviv office, as part of global cutback

AION Labs, a Rehovot-based consortium formed by Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, Teva and others, sets up company that will help drug firms improve chances of success in clinical trials

US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses the US envoy for Iran and the Abu Akleh shooting, as Tech Israel editor Ricky Ben David reviews top tech research and industry stats

Tech Israel editor Ricky Ben David speaks about two troubling new reports; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman updates us on the Ukraine war and Lebanon's recent elections

In sobering annual study, Israel Innovation Authority says technology industry strong but plagued by challenges that require action

Mayor Tal Ohana hopes Israel's first vaccine manufacturing plant will be set up in her town in joint venture with international player

Larger local team will aim to develop ways for users to 'just drive, and the gates open magically'; service available in North America, planned for Europe, Mideast, maybe Israel

Firm announces R&D partnerships with Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv University in brain and cancer therapies; move marks foray into 'merging of minds between academia and pharma'

Technology developed by subsidiary Calibra will let users 'save, send and spend' Libra, the global currency Facebook is planning to launch in 2020 based on blockchain technology

There were 103,500 full time R&D jobs in the business sector, Central Bureau of Statistics data shows